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Resultados de noticias de salud - 164

Taking the drug metformin -- typically used for type 2 diabetes -- can help counter weight gain in young people who are taking medication for bipolar disorder, according to a new trial.

While second-generation antipsychotic medications (SGAs) that treat bipolar disorder can help improve mental health, significant side effects include higher blood pressure and blood sugar, increased appeti...

For women, keeping a stable weight after the age of 60 may boost their odds of reaching the advanced ages of 90, 95 or even 100.

Older women with a more stable weight were 1.2 to 2 times more likely to live that long than those who lost 5% or more of their weight, the study showed.

Women who unintentionally lost weight were 51% less likely to survive to the age of 90. Gaining ...

Much has been made of the so-called “obesity paradox” -- the observation that people with a heart condition seem less likely to die if they are overweight or obese.

But European researchers now say they've debunked that theory, which was based on earlier research that relied on body mass index (BMI, a measure based on weight and height) to judge whether a person carried excess weight....

Parents are role models who can teach their kids about healthy food and exercise habits in childhood to help avoid future health problems.

“Children who are overweight are more likely to develop diabetes, experience feelings of isolation and struggle with self-esteem,” said Dr. Asma Khan, a pedia...

Type 1 diabetes has long been considered a thin person's disease, but a new study challenges that notion.

About 62% of adults with type 1 diabetes were overweight or obese, the researchers found. That compared to 64% of those without diabetes and 86% of those with type 2 diabetes.

For the study, the researchers used data on more than 128,000 people from the U.S. National Health Int...

Vitamin D is widely promoted for better health, but if you're overweight, you might not reap the benefits.

In a new study, researchers found a 30% to 40% reduction in cancer, cancer deaths and autoimmune diseases among people with a lower body mass index (BMI) who took vitamin D supplements,...

When it comes to picking the best exercise to lose weight, there is no one right answer.

That's because the right answer is variety, mixing and matching types of exercise to keep the body guessing and improving.

"The body adapts to the demands we put on it," said

It's easy to blame the childhood obesity epidemic for growing cases of type 2 diabetes, but a new study finds nearly one-quarter of all diagnoses are not related to obesity.

“The finding was somewhat surprising,” said Dr. Constantine Samaan, an associate professor in the department of pediatri...

Money may not buy happiness, but it might give low-income obese people an extra incentive to lose weight, a new study suggests.

The study, of people from urban neighborhoods, found that cash rewards encouraged participants to shed some extra pounds, versus a weight-loss program with no financial bonuses.

And the effects were similar whether people were rewarded for reaching the...

A weight-loss drug approved for adults may soon become an option for teens struggling with obesity.

Young people who received the drug Wegovy (semaglutide) were able to lose an average of 14.7% of their starting body weight in a new clinical trial. More than 40% of the youths who received a weekly injection of the medication plus lifestyle counseling were able to reduce their BMI by 20% ...

Obesity is never healthy, and that may be especially true for people who also develop multiple sclerosis.

Obese people with MS are likely to see the disability linked to the disease rapidly worsen, said German researchers who followed more than 1,000 patients in a new study.

Weight loss, they suggested, might help slow the progression of the disease.

"The findings from this s...

If you are one of the millions of people with type 2 diabetes, losing weight can help reverse the blood sugar disease even if you aren't overweight or obese, new research reveals.

Here's the proof: 70% of people with type 2 diabetes who were a normal weight during the study went into remission after they lost roughly 10% o...

Helping a child deal with a weight issue, while avoiding negativity about their body image, can be challenging, one expert says.

Yet, obesity affects 20% of American children, causing harm to physical and mental health.

Dr. Marsha Novick, medical director of the Healthy Weight Program for Children and Tee...

COVID vaccination is highly protective against severe disease in people of all body weights, new British research finds.

The study of over 9 million adults found that those who'd received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine were strongly protected against hospitalization or death from the disease. And the effectiveness was just as great for obese people as those with a healthy weight.


If a mother reaches for cakes, chocolates or other snacks when she's feeling down, her children could become emotional eaters as well.

Kids' chances of becoming emotional eaters are shaped by both their natural eating tendencies and their parent's influence, according to a new British study.


Obesity is tied to many types of cancer, and new research finds that over the long term it nearly doubles a woman's risk of endometrial cancer.

"This study is an interesting first step into how genetic analyses could be used to uncover exactly how obesity causes cancer, and what can be done to tackle it," said study lead author Emma Hazelwood, of the University of Bristol in England.


It takes a lot of will to successfully lose weight, but a new research review suggests that "motivational" conversations with a health provider may make little difference.

The review looked at studies that tested the effects of

Being overweight or obese has long been linked to poor heart health, but could it also impair your thinking?

New research out of Canada suggests it very well might.

Working with thousands of young, middle-aged and older adults, the new study highlights what appears to be fat's dir...

Colon cancer rates are increasing for younger Americans, along with rates of obesity. Could slimming down reduce young people's risk for malignancy?

A new study suggests that even a small amount of weight loss may cut your odds for benign growths in the colon known as adenomas, or polyps. Left unchecked, these growths can lead to

Losing weight before beginning fertility treatment doesn't boost the odds that a woman who is obese will have a successful pregnancy, a new study shows.

Obesity has been linked with difficulty conceiving, as well as pregnancy complications and loss. Many women who are obese and want to get pregnant...

Did you watch your waistline expand during lockdown? You're not alone.

Nearly half of U.S. adults piled on excess pounds during the first year of the pandemic, making a national obesity crisis even worse, a new study shows.

"Obesity was an epidemic before the pandemic, and little was known on body weight changes in...

Babies conceived through infertility treatment are more likely to be born early and small.

But there are reasons other than medically assisted reproduction to explain this difference, a

  • Cara Murez
  • |
  • January 12, 2022
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  • Página completa
  • Examining a woman's health in midlife can predict her health decades later, researchers say.

    Four specific factors -- higher body mass index (BMI), smoking, arthritis and depressive symptoms -- at age 55 are associated with clinically important declines in physical health 10 years later, a new study reports.

    "Age 55 to 65 may be a critical decade," said study co-author Dr. Daniel So...

    Intermittent fasting is all the rage due to its potential health benefits, and now a new review shows this style of eating really does produce weight loss and may even improve certain markers of heart health.

    Intermittent fasting is an umbrella ...

    It's probably fair to say that most people know of the so-called "Freshman 15" -- the weight that college students are often said to gain when they're away from home for the first time.

    But in recent decades, matters have gotten much worse in the United States. A new study using national data for people aged 18 to 25 found that while the prevalence of obesity was just over 6% in 1976 to 1...

    All body fat is not the same.

    And a new study suggests that folks who have more of what's known as brown fat may have a lower risk of weight-related health problems, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

    "Brown fat has long been thought to benefit metabolism because, unlike the much more common white storage...

    Strength training can help you lose weight, Australian researchers report.

    Their new study reports you can lose a percentage of body fat through strength training alone that is similar to weight loss through cardio or aerobics.

    "A lot of people think that if you want to lose weight, you need to go out and run," said researcher Mandy Hagstrom, an exercise physiologist and senior lect...

    Obese boys who lose weight may avoid fertility problems in adulthood, a preliminary study suggests.

    Even short-term weight loss might partially reverse weight-related alterations in reproductive function, the researchers said.

    Childhood obesity can have serious effects on adulthood health, including a risk of cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Obesity has also been linked to...

    America's waistline keeps widening.

    On Wednesday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that 16 states now have at least 35% of their residents who are obese, a number that's nearly doubled since 2018.

    The CDC's 2020 Adult Obesity Prevalence Maps now show that Delaware, Iowa, Ohio and Texas have joined Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, ...

    College students often put on weight during their freshman year, and a lack of structured exercise may be largely to blame, a new study suggests.

    Weight gain is so common among first-year college students that it has spawned the phrase "the freshman 15" -- though that figure is something of a myth.

    More often, studies have found, college freshmen gain about 8 pounds over the academi...

    New research confirms the pandemic has not been good for the waistlines of children.

    During lockdowns, American kids gained more weight than before the pandemic, and the number who became obese also increased, researchers report.

    "This increased weight gain occurred in all youth between 5 and 17 years, but was particularly evident in children ages 5 to 11 -- an excess weight gain of...

    The recommended age to start screening overweight and obese people for diabetes will be lowered by five years from 40 to 35, the nation's leading panel of preventive health experts has announced.

    The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has decided an earlier five years of testing could help detect more people who have prediabetes, said Dr. Michael Barry, vice chair of the USPSTF....

    Growing numbers of pregnant women are developing gestational diabetes, putting them and their babies at risk for complications later on.

    Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy in women who weren't already diabetic.

    Between 2011 and 2019, rates of gestational diabetes in the United States jumped 30%, according to a large nationwide study of first-ti...

    Thinking of starting a family? Start getting your heart in shape. New research suggests that how healthy a woman's heart is before conception affects outcomes in her pregnancy.

    Study author Dr. Sadiya Khan said the findings make a case for more comprehensive heart assessments prior to pregnancy rather than focusing on isolated individual risk factors, such as high blood pressure ("hyperte...

    Losing weight is hard, but many weight loss supplements promise to make the journey easy. Unfortunately, there's little high-quality research to back these claims, a new study shows.

    Hundreds of weight loss supplements like green tea extract, chitosan, guar gum and conjugated linoleic acid are being hawked by aggressive marketers. And an estimated 34% of Americans who want to lose weight ...

    Children may have an increased risk of obesity if their mothers were exposed to high levels of air pollution during pregnancy, researchers say.

    In a new study, 123 Hispanic mother-infant pairs were enrolled in an ongoing trial in the Los Angeles region. Before pregnancy, about one-third of the mothers were normal weight, one-third were overweight and one-third were obese.

    The resear...

    What can make a young person vulnerable to eating disorders? Teasing them about any extra pounds they may carry, researchers say.

    "Our findings add to the growing evidence that weight-based mistreatment is not helpful and is often harmful to the health of young people," said study leader Laura Hooper, a PhD student at the University of Minnesota's School of Public Health, in Minneapolis.<...

    Your teens' route to a healthy or unhealthy weight may be in their hands -- literally.

    New research out of South Korea shows that teens who spend too much time on their smartphones are also more prone to eating habits that increase their odds for obesity.

    One nutritionist who helps treat obesity in the young wasn't surprised by the findings.

    "Spending hours on end on your phon...

    Could exercise that uses slow movements and breathing, like tai chi, do as much for trimming belly fat in older adults as aerobic exercise?

    It might. A new study found that individuals aged 50 and up who practiced tai chi for 12 weeks lost about as much waist circumference as older adults who did conventional exercise (such as aerobics and strength training).

    Though tai chi is consi...

    Losing weight is hard, and keeping it off can be even harder. Now, a new study suggests that sitting less might make all the difference.

    People who maintained their weight loss spent about three hours less each day sitting than did folks who were obese and stayed that way.

    "That's a quite a difference," said study author Suzanne Phelan, a professor of kinesiology and public health ...

    So-called yo-yo dieting may increase a woman's risk of insomnia, sleep apnea and other sleep problems, a new study suggests.

    Yo-yo dieting -- formally called weight cycling -- is defined as losing and regaining 10 pounds or more when not pregnant.

    The study included more than 500 women in every stage of adult life, including childbearing, premenopausal, menopausal and postmenopausal...

    Though obesity by itself can drive up heart disease risk, new research suggests diabetes and heart disease risk is especially high when combined with a tendency to stay up late at night.

    The finding stems from a comparison of sleep patterns and disease in 172 middle-aged people as part of an ongoing obesity prevention study in Italy.

    "The sleep-wake cycle is one of the most importan...

    Boys who weigh less than 2 pounds at birth don't age as well as their normal-weight peers, a long-term study finds.

    Canadian researchers have followed a group of extremely low birth weight (ELBW) babies and their normal-weight counterparts since 1977.

    When participants were in their early 30s, researchers compared the genes of 45 who were ELBW babies with those of 47 whose birth w...

    Weight-loss surgery can trim waistlines, and new research suggests it could also protect aging eyes.

    The study found that after bariatric (weight-loss) surgery, a person's odds for cataracts can drop significantly, especially among younger patients.

    Why might that be so? According to Swiss researchers, weight loss in obese patients may lower oxidative stress on cells, cellular ...

    Could there be a way to tell years in advance which girls are more likely to develop eating disorders?

    New research from Denmark suggests that childhood body mass index (BMI) may offer important clues. BMI is an estimate of body fat based on height and weight.

    The new research linked lower BMI as early as age 7 with a higher risk of anorexia, an eating disorder in which people sever...

    It's long been known that obesity is a risk factor for severe COVID-19 in infected people. But new research suggests that the connection may be even stronger for men than women.

    Researchers at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City analyzed data from more than 3,500 COVID-19 patients admitted to the hospital between early March and May 1, 2020.

    Both moderate (a body mass index ...

    The weight-loss drug Saxenda can keep extra pounds off -- but combining it with exercise brings a bigger payoff, a new clinical trial finds.

    The study found that some longstanding advice is valid: Prescription weight-loss drugs work best when used along with -- and not in place of -- lifestyle changes.

    Saxenda (liraglutide) is a prescription drug approved in the United States for sp...

    Neck pain? Poor posture can cause it, but may not be the only reason why, new research suggests.

    Lifestyle is a key culprit -- particularly long periods of time spent hunched over handheld devices or working on computers. So a team at Texas A&M University set out to learn just how big a part personal factors play in neck pain.

    The researchers conducted a series of experiments in whi...

    Everyone has probably heard the expression "you are what you eat," but do you eat what you want, or do you follow the crowd?

    New research suggests that what people have at lunch is influenced by the friends or coworkers who they are dining with. And this is true whether they're making healthy choices or unhealthy ones.

    "We found that individuals tend to mirror the food choices of ot...

    Extra padding around the belly can spell trouble for the heart, even if you're not technically overweight.

    That's among the conclusions of a new scientific statement from the American Heart Association (AHA), where experts lay out the heart risks of being "apple-shaped."

    It encourages doctors to dust off those old-fashioned tape measures and make waist circumference part of patients...