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Results for search "Heart / Stroke-Related: Heart Attack".

28 Sep

Heavy Pot Users Face High Risk of Developing Heart Disease, Study Finds

Adults with cannabis use disorder have a nearly 60% higher risk of suffering a first heart attack, stroke or another major cardiovascular event.

Health News Results - 442

Sleep apnea is particularly dangerous for the heart health of young adults, even more so than in older folks, a new study warns.

The link between sleep apnea and risk factors for heart disease is stronger in people between 20 and 40 years of age than in those 40 and older, researchers reported recently in the Journ...

Higher amounts of the artificial sweetener xylitol might raise the risk of heart attack and stroke, a new study warns.

Xylitol is a zero-calorie sugar alcohol commonly used in sugar-free candy, chewing gum, baked goods and toothpastes, researchers said.

But high blood ...

Less than one-quarter of people who survive serious heart conditions receive the dietary counseling needed to protect their future health, a new study finds.

Only about 23% of people treated for major illnesses like heart attack and heart failure receive counseling on their ...

Folks regularly taking fish oil supplements might not be helping their health as much as they might think, a new study suggests.

Regular use of fish oil supplements could increase the risk of first-time heart disease and stroke among those with good heart health, new research suggests.

However, ...

Many fewer Americans are falling prey to the most dangerous form of heart attack, a new study says.

STEMI (ST"�segment-elevation myocardial infarction) heart attacks have declined by nearly 50% during the past 15 years in the United States, researchers found.

STEMI hea...

Artificial intelligence might be able to help doctors by filling out rote paperwork, but it's not going to be useful in the ER anytime soon, a new study shows.

OpenAI's ChatGPT program provided inconsistent conclusions when presented with simulated cases of patients with

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 2, 2024
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  • Black and Hispanic Americans are gaining a better understanding of CPR, with a growing number expressing confidence they could use it to save a life, a new survey finds.

    About 44% of Black Americans now feel confident performing conventional CPR, up from 30% just three years ago, the American Heart Association (AHA)

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 24, 2024
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  • Beta blockers appear to be useless when prescribed to heart attack survivors who aren't suffering from heart failure, a new clinical trial indicates.

    The study calls into question the routine of prescribing beta blockers to all patients following a heart attack, which has be...

    America is making headway against heart disease, with heart-related deaths declining over the past three decades.

    But it appears that only the well-to-do have benefitted, a new study shows.

    Heart attack rates have stayed the same or gotten worse among ...

    A new warning is being issued over a heart pump whose use could perforate the heart.

    The device has already been linked to over 100 injuries and 49 deaths.

    These left-sided Impella heart pumps are made by Abiomed, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson MedTech. Abiomed posted the new

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 1, 2024
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  • Folks with genetically-driven stress are more likely to suffer heart attacks after nerve-wracking events or times of unrest, a new study shows.

    People with above-average genetic scores linked to neuroticism and stress were 34% more likely to experience a heart attack followi...

    Living in a poor and unhealthy neighborhood could nearly double a person's risk of heart disease and stroke, a new study says.

    The findings indicate that all the factors that make for a crummy neighborhood -- air and water pollution, toxic sites, few parks, tons of traffic -- play a ...

    Medicare will now cover the popular weight-loss drug Wegovy if patients using it also have heart disease, U.S. officials announced Thursday.

    The move comes after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved drugmaker Novo Nordisk's application to add

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 22, 2024
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  • Intermittent fasting might be bad for your heart, a new study warns.

    People who restricted their eating to an 8-hour window had nearly twice the risk of heart-related death compared to folks who ate freely, results show.

    This runs counter to previous research in which intermittent fasting impr...

    Folks who use marijuana have a greater risk of heart attack and stroke, with the odds rising even higher when they partake every day, a new study finds.

    Both daily and non-daily marijuana users had an increased risk of heart attack and stroke compared to non-users, researchers reported Feb. 28 in the Journal of the American Heart As...

    A standard blood test can reveal whether a person is at high risk of having a heart attack within six months, a new study shows.

    Researchers identified dozens of biomarkers in blood linked to the risk of a first heart attack, according to a report published Feb. 12 in the journal Nature Cardiovascular Research.


    As if painful migraines, hot flashes and night sweats weren't bad enough, many women in menopause are facing a significantly bigger threat.

    New research suggests that women with both migraines and vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes and night sweats) are significantly more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke.

    "There is a critical need to further refine existing cardiovascul...

    Heart disease remains the United States' top cause of death, but progress is being made and more lives are being saved, a new report finds.

    There were 931,578 heart-related deaths in 2021, an increase of less than 3,000 from the year before, the report from the American Heart Association (AHA) showed.

    But overall, death rates from heart disease have declined 60% since the 1950s, AHA...

    Taking nitrates for heart problems alongside erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra or Cialis could be a prescription for trouble, a new study warns.

    Men who combine the two types of medications have a higher risk of death or suffering a heart-related health emergency, researchers reported Jan. 15 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

    "Physicians are seeing ...

    Snowstorms are blanketing the United States, prompting countless Americans to pick up snow shovels and clear walkways and driveways.

    Shoveling snow is more than a chore, however -- it can be a health hazard.

    The exertion of shoveling snow increases a person's risk of heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest, warns the American Heart Association.

    Snow shoveling has a prominent pla...

    Rum-laced eggnog, mulled wine, or a hot toddy all sound good around the holidays, but too much imbibing can increase your risk of "holiday heart syndrome,"doctors warn.

    Holiday heart syndrome is the unofficial name for a notable increase in patients seeking treatment in ERs for heart rhythm problems caused by too much booze around December, said

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • December 22, 2023
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  • Late December is typically a time when holiday stress and winter weather can collide, creating a perfect recipe for a rise in heart attacks and stroke.

    Luckily, one expert has some advice on how to dodge the danger.

    "When we look across the year in terms of heart attack rates, what we see is fairly constant rates week by week with two exceptions: One is that there's a broad, shallow...

    Hispanic women who experience spikes in blood pressure while pregnant may also face higher heart risks years later, new research shows.

    These "hypertensive disorders of pregnancy" (HDP) -- conditions such as preeclampsia, eclampsia and gestational hypertension -- may even have a greater role to play in certain heart risks than regular high blood pressure, the researchers noted.


    Cutting out just one teaspoon of salt every day lowers blood pressure almost as much as medication does, new research shows.

    Investigators said theirs is one of the largest studies ever to include people taking high blood pressure meds in a look at the effect of reducing dietary intake of sodium.

    "We found that 70-75% of all people, regardless of whether they are already on blood pr...

    People who regularly smoke medical marijuana may be increasing their risk for a heart attack, heart failure or stroke, new research suggests.

    One study found that cannabis use among older patients increases the risk of heart attack or stroke by 20%. The second study found that using cannabis increased the risk of heart failure by 34%.

    The studies are scheduled for presentation at an...

    Drones might prove a feasible way to deliver lifesaving defibrillators to cardiac arrests in remote areas, a new research simulation suggests.

    Delivering automated external defibrillators (AEDs) by drone could dramatically improve emergency response times in both urban and rural areas, according to findings to be presented Saturday and Sunday at an American Heart Association meeting, in P...

    A new, more comfortable wearable electrocardiogram (ECG) device could be on its way.

    Researchers from Australia and India have created a compact, lightweight, gel-free hexagonal-shaped ECG patch that they say is ideally suited for point-of-care diagnostics.

    For those at risk, having a wearable device that can detect heart problems and assess overall cardiac health can save lives.

    As sweltering summer days become more common, the number of Americans who die of heat-related heart problems or strokes could soar over the next few decades, a new study projects.

    The study -- published Oct. 30 in the journal Circulation -- estimates that by mid-century the United States will see thos...

    Older adults who live in distressed or disadvantaged communities are less likely to attend cardiac rehabilitation after common heart procedures, new research shows.

    The study looked at Medicare beneficiaries' attendance at these medically supervised exercise and education programs after coronary revascularization between 2016 and 2018.

    Coronary revascularization includes procedures ...

    As a consumer, you probably see "heart healthy" labels on food items all the time. But do you really know what heart health means and why it's important?

    Experts from Tufts University in Boston offer some details on how your heart works and how you can safeguard your heart's health.

    "It's not as if you turn 65 or 70 and everything falls apart,"said

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • October 17, 2023
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  • For sufferers of sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines may guard against having a second heart attack, stroke or other cardiovascular crisis, but they have to use it consistently, a new study finds.

    CPAP works by keeping your airways open during sleep, but because it requires wearing a mask, many people find it uncomfortable so they don't keep it on the amount ...

    Teenage boys who have high blood pressure may find themselves on the road to serious heart problems in adulthood.

    Swedish researchers found that boys who had high blood pressure at 18 were at risk for heart failure, heart attacks, strokes and death as adults. And the risk began when blood pressure crossed 120/80 mm Hg, a normal reading.

    "Hopefully, the results of this ...

    While the neurological impact of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) has long been studied, new research suggests TBIs are also hard on the heart.

    The research team took a closer look at connections between the two organs, finding that nervous system dysfunction, neuro-inflammation, changes in the brain-gut connection and post-injury health issues may increase risk of both cardiovascular and ...

    Substance abuse and pregnancy may be a dangerous combination.

    New research finds that pregnant women with a history of substance abuse had a dramatically increased risk of death from heart attack and stroke during childbirth compared to women with no drug history.

    "This telling research shows that substance use during pregnancy doubled cardiovascular events and maternal mortality du...

    A job that's demanding but less than rewarding may take a big toll on a man's heart health, a large new study suggests.

    The study, of nearly 6,500 white-collar workers, found that men who habitually felt stressed on the job had up to double the risk of developing heart disease as their peers who ...

    If you've had a heart attack, your doctor likely told you to take a low-dose aspirin daily to stave off a second heart attack or stroke, but most people don't follow through with this advice over the long-term.

    Those folks who don't take daily low-dose aspirin consistently are more likely to have another heart attack, stroke or die compared with their counterparts who consistently take as...

    More than 1 out of every 10 patients who land in an ICU with a potentially deadly heart emergency test positive for recreational drug use, a new French study reports.

    About 11% of nearly 1,500 patients admitted to a French intensive cardiac care unit for a heart crisis tested positive for cannabis, opioids, cocaine, methamphetamine or other illicit drugs, researchers said in the journal <...

    Whether a patient experiences pain a year after a heart attack -- and not necessarily heart pain -- may predict a person's long-term survival.

    New research suggests it is linked with higher likelihood of death within the next eight years.

    "Pain causes significant loss of function and may lead to disability, all of which contribute to major, global public health issues. Research in...

    As more people are advised to shun meat, a new study from Australia adds to evidence that a vegetarian diet can help improve heart health.

    A review of 20 prior investigations found that folks who followed a vegetarian diet for six months, on average, saw improvements in cholesterol, blood sugar and body weight.

    The study analysis "provides support to the current knowledge that eatin...

    Many women are not being counseled about heart disease after giving birth, a new study finds.

    Only 60% of at-risk women said they were advised about heart health at their postpartum checkup, researchers say.

    About 90% of U.S. women have a doctor visit during what is referred to as the "fourth trimester."

    "We need to find ways to take advantage of this prime opportunity when w...

    The extreme heat and choking wildfire smoke blanketing wide swaths of the United States this summer are actively dangerous to heart health, a new study reports.

    Days where soaring heat combines with fine particulate air pollution can double a person's risk of a fatal heart attack, researchers have found.

    "Heat wave exposure interacts synergistically with fine particulate pollution t...

    Heart disease is a high risk for people with HIV, but a new study finds that taking statins significantly reduces the risk of serious heart incidents.

    People with HIV who took a daily statin pill lowered their risk of stroke, heart attack or surgery to open clogged arteries by 35%, a clinical trial funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health found.

    Statins have the potential t...

    It doesn't matter if you exercise every day or squeeze it all into the weekend. If you do the recommended 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a week, you'll get heart benefits, a new study finds.

    Both regimens protect you from atrial fibrillation (a-fib), heart attack, heart failure and stroke, compared with inactivity, researchers reported in the July 18 issue of the <...

    Monday can be a downer as folks leave weekend play behind. Now, researchers say Monday might also be the most common day for deadly heart attacks.

    Doctors at the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland determined this by analyzing patient data in Ireland, though they can't determine the reason why.

    Past research has suggested it might have t...

    Having a heart attack is bad news for your brain, raising your odds for mental decline in the years to come, new research finds.

    Looking at studies conducted over five decades, researchers found that a heart attack wasn't linked to immediate cognitive ("thinking") issues, but they saw a faster-than-normal decline of brain health in the years that followed.

    This decline in glob...

    Women who have a heart attack at a younger age tend to have worse outcomes and are more likely to return to the hospital than their male counterparts.

    More significant underlying risk factors could be why, according to new research.

    Researchers called for greater public awareness around heart attacks in young women, including the unique symptoms they experience and the care they nee...

    Getting the flu isn't fun for many reasons, but it can also trigger a heart attack, a new study suggests.

    A heart attack is six times more likely in the week after a person is diagnosed with flu than in the year before or after, according to Dutch researchers.

    This emphasizes the need for flu patients and those caring for them to be aware of heart attack symptoms. It also underscore...

    New research offers hope to elite athletes who have genetic heart conditions but still want to play sports.

    In the new study, after a follow-up of seven years, researchers found that 95% of athletes with a diagnosed and treated genetic heart disease had no disease-triggered cardiac events. These would have included fainting or seizures, implantable cardio-defibrillator (ICD) shocks, sudde...

    While the idea of getting 10,000 steps a day is bandied about as a good walking goal, that can be intimidating to some people, depending on how fit they are.

    Now, new research in adults between the ages of 70 and 90 finds that a much smaller number of steps can make a difference in heart health.

    It's possible, according to researchers, that just 3,000 steps a day has benefit...

    New research suggests that smoking weed is far from benign: Toking every day might raise your odds of heart disease.

    The increased risk is not insignificant. Daily marijuana users are about one-third more likely to develop coronary artery disease, compared with people who have never used the drug, researchers say.

    Marijuana is becoming more widely available and its link with heart ...

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